31 Weeks

At my midwife appointment yesterday, I got a little lecture for not eating and drinking enough.

Say what?! I’m a hungry pregnant lady who feels like she is eating non-stop and growing like a weed!

According to my midwife, I’ve only gained 2# in the past 4 weeks (which isn’t bad for goodness sakes, I’m still up 17#, just 1# under what I was with Stella at this point!), but based on my urine test I’m “throwing keytones” – which basically means I’m dehydrated and not getting enough nutrients in my body lately.

Well dammit – I’m running out of room!

Apparently I’ve officially reached that part of pregnancy where I’m hungry but I’m full, so even though I feel like I’m constantly grazing, I’m not actually getting enough calories/nutrients in my body. *sigh* I’m now concentrating extra hard on drinking more water and eating more nutrient dense snacks throughout the day, but man it’s hard!

Other than that, things are looking great. My belly is measuring right on track (around 104 cm circumference if I remember right, and between 30-31 fundal height), and for some reason everyone says I’m “glowing” this week. I’ll let you in on a secret – I definitely don’t feel like I’m glowing lately. In fact, I’ve been super tired, which I’ve been blaming on traveling to MN and then the daylight savings time change, but really, I’m getting 9-10 hours of sleep a night (8pm-6am, kinda ridiculous), so I’m thinking I really do just need to get more fuel into my body to give me more energy. That and exercise. GAH. Why can I not get re-motivated to work out? Flabbiness galore lately.

Oh! One other fun pregnancy development since my 29 week update is the recurrence of my pregnancy induced carpal tunnel.


I just looked back at my records from Stella, and apparently this happened at almost exactly the same time when I was pregnant with her. Carpal tunnel & heartburn were my biggest complaints at 31 weeks, and that’s holding true for this pregnancy as well. I know, it’s not the worst thing in the world, but it’s definitely uncomfortable. I think the heartburn is part of the reason I haven’t been eating enough (especially at night – I’m just afraid of the pain if I eat anywhere close to bed time!), and I’m wearing braces on both wrists every night and all day on the weekends.

Also odd to realize is that this was my last day of work with Stella. I was bartending & waitressing, and the restaurants I was working at were going into off season so I got laid off at this point (rightly so). So weird to think I’ll hopefully be working until the kid comes this time! Speaking of work, my boss gave me an exception for my PTO (I have 1 week banked right now). Normally we have to use it in the year in which it’s accrued, but because I have no idea if this kid will make his appearance in 2013 or 2014, he nicely said that I won’t lose my time if I don’t use it in 2013, and instead I can use those 40 paid hours during my first week of unpaid maternity leave instead. Thank God for small blessings!



  1. mcmissis · · Reply

    Wow, you do look amazing! Carpal tunnel sounds awful 🙁

    1. Ya, I had NO idea it was a pregnancy side effect until it happened to me last time! One of my good girlfriends here has had the same thing happen both of her pregnancies. I guess it has to do with the extra fluid in your body (water retention & blood volume) – kinda gums up the tiny carpal tunnel in your wrist and causes horrid pain for some pregnant woman. Boo!

  2. You do look fantastic! Love that maternity dress. What name did you decide on? Will you reveal it before he is here?

    I sure didn’t have any issues eating enough calories. 😐 Do you enjoy ice cream? It was all about pumpkin, peppermint and gingerbread ice cream this time last year.

    Also, flabiness galore? Please, woman! That phrase did make me laugh out loud though.

    1. Yeah, I think we’ll reveal it. Just trying to make sure we’re settled on it before I write in on the internetz… 🙂

      I LOVE ice cream, but after I eat it I feel nauseous (this has happened the past few years).. SOOOO sad. I still eat it from time to time, but the icky feeling afterwards rarely makes it worth it. *sigh*

      Dude, the flabbiness is THERE – just hidden when I wear a dress. There is zero tone on this body right now. *sigh*

  3. I look forward to this post every 2 weeks! You look so terrific and sound so happy! Yay for great bosses!

    1. Awh, thanks! I know they’re boring to most, but I totally love being able to look back at my Stella posts already, and hopefully the kids will find them interesting to read someday too. I love reading my mom’s pregnancy journal from when she was pregnant with me!

  4. Everyone has said it but I have to say it too… you look FANTASTIC!! Love that dress on you! 🙂 That is hard about the food/water… I remember running out of room towards the end too and barely gained anything in the final couple of months for that reason. Hopefully you can at least squeeze some nutrient filled stuff and of course, water, in there! Ugg, carpal tunnel.. not fun! 🙁

  5. Oh my gosh! I gain 2 lbs EVERY WEEK. Let’s trade! 🙂 You look beautiful. So excited for you and can’t wait until you reveal your little man’s name!

    1. Ha – you started WAY thinner than me though – that makes a big difference! I was on the cusp of being told to gain 15-25# and I’m sure you were told 25-35#. 🙂 You look awesome!

  6. Esperanza · · Reply

    I’m sorry you’re already dealing with carpel tunnel and heartburn. Have you asked your midwife if you can take Pepcid for the heartburn? My OB gave me the okay to take it and it was AMAZING. I don’t know how I would have made it through the last month without it. If you can take it, I HIGHLY recommend it.

  7. I had never heard of pregnancy induced Carpel Tunnel! But holy crap lady, you are adorable with that bump!

  8. I’m loving the design/look you chose for your updates throughout this pregnancy – very cute! Sorry the carpel tunnel has returned, I remember you struggled with that the first time around. That’s so great that your boss is letting you hang on to the PTO, it’s definitely little things like that that help take some of the weight off. Looking beautiful as always!

  9. Elizabeth · · Reply

    You look wonderful! Happy to hear that things are going well other than the carpel tunnel & heartburn. You are getting close!

  10. You look so cute! 🙂

    Can I ask when is your EDD again? I am right behind you about a week and a half to 2 wks due January 20th so I love reading these updates!

    I also love reading your home birth plans because I am planning on another natural birth in the hospital with a doula (hopefully VBAC #3.) There are only 2 birthing centers around here..and they don’t do VBAC’s even though I have had 2 already, and I don’t think my hubby is comfortable with it either, so we are using the same hospital and OB we did for #3 (who was a 3.5 hr labor and delivery start to finish AND by far the largest baby!)

    1. January 8th! My birthday is January 20th – also a good day. 🙂

      It’s so frustrating that so many places won’t support VBACs, even though the actual increased risks from uterine rupture are so ridiculously low. Fear of lawsuits…the American way. *sigh*

      Sounds like you have a great option in place for you at least!

  11. I agree, you’re glowing =)

  12. you look great! sorry about the carpal tunnel – sounds so painful!

    can’t wait to hear what the final decision on the name is – and I have a feeling this will be a 2013 baby – just a hunch 🙂

    1. I sure hope you’re right!! 38w6d is the latest I could go to have that happen though, so not entirely likely. 🙂

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