CD1 (Cycle 4 on Clomid – 150mg)

Well, AF is definitely in town so I called my doc for a refill on my Clomid. No answer, so I left a long message on the nurse’s phone about why I thought I should maybe go to 150mg (she had recommended staying at 100 yesterday) and see if that results in a stronger ovulation. Long story short, she finally called me back six hours later and that’s what I’m doing this cycle.

However, thanks to lots of advice from ladies on my last two posts (thank you so much ladies!), if this doesn’t work, I’m going to have to schedule an appointment to actually go in and talk to my doc about possibly switching to femara, taking progesterone supplements post-ovulation, and/or taking a break from medicated cycles and trying just eastern medicine for a few months (which my acupuncturist recommended).

I definitely don’t want to overwhelm my body with hormones, but it’s hard to be patient and feel so disappointed in myself that it never even occurred to me that I should maybe go off b.c. early and figure out if my cycles were normal before we wanted to start trying. I feel like we wasted a whole year, just b/c I wasn’t freaking thinking.

*sigh* Sorry, pity party of one for a minute there.

At any rate, my acupuncturist just called me and said she’s switching up my herbs this cycle. She “just got off the phone with the herbalist” (I love that she does this often for me in her off time) and they decided I should be taking two different herbs this cycle – one pre-o for blood deficiency issues, and one post-o for yang deficiency issues. She’d love for me to take three months off of Clomid so she could get a better handle on what’s going on with my body & how it’s reacting to the herbs & acupuncture, but since I actually O’d last cycle, I really want to give this one last shot with Clomid before I take a break from it for awhile and just try the eastern medicine for three months.

This cycle I’m going to be trying:
150mg Clomid (days 5-9)
Weekly acupuncture
Chinese herbs (1st half for blood def. / 2nd half for yang def)
Pomegranate Juice (around peak/high days and following to help with uterine lining)
Pre-seed (decided to switch it up from the FertileCM)
FertiliTea (2-3 c./day)
Prenatal pills

Wish me luck!


  1. I have really been interested in trying acupuncture. Do you enjoy it? Does it hurt? I really need to do more research. I hope the 150mg works for you!

  2. Mrs. S – I HIGHLY recommend the acupuncture. I've just started being consistent with it, but I truly believe that it is getting my body back on track and I should have started this a year ago. My temps were MUCH better (more consistent) this past cycle, and if nothing else, I am SO relaxed & centered after my session. It doesn't hurt really – sometimes a twinge as they catch the chi, but not painful. My only advice is to ask around for referrals – find someone you CONNECT with. The first guy I went to was okay…and I wanted to LOVE the person I was working with to help me have a baby. The woman I'm going to now I absolutely adore and connect with (check out my post "I'm in love…").

  3. Don't feel sorry! It's your blog and you can cry if you want to. This journey SUCKS and this is why we blog–to vent about just how badly it sucks. I'm really sorry AF showed. I hope that this cycle is the one!

  4. DOn't be sorry. Like Katie said "it's your blog you can cry if you want to". I hope this cycle is the one. Sending good thoughts your way. Ana

  5. Glad some of what I suggested made sense… Good luck!

  6. I haven't commented in a while, but I wanted to tell you that I've been reading and cheering you on, and I'm proud of you sticking up for yourself and requesting to go up to 150. And I think you're totally right – try it out at 150 for another cycle and if it doesn't work, take a break from the hormones and try the natural route. I mean, it couldn't hurt, right?Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here and reading and cheering and thinking good thoughts for you. All the biggest hugs to you.

  7. @Jill – definitely – thank you for the advice. I'll email you back in the morning, just leaving work.@Kim – I thought about you today when I commented on your blog. I read yours all the time as well but don't comment often, sorry! Good to hear from you. btw – i know you love kitchens – did you see our remodel?? 🙂

  8. You HAVE to be your own advocate in this whole thing, as tough as it may be for us ladies. I did the same thing early on when they wanted me to do a Clomid cycle and I questioned the effectiveness and their motives and they totally rescinded their suggestions and we went straight to injectibles and…voila! Good for you in pushing for your beliefs. Also, acupuncture rocks, I plan to continue it for as long as this pregnancy lasts (34 more weeks preferably) and beyond. Its got so many great benefits I would have never imagined.

  9. I'm glad you got on the 150 this cycle…and I am so sorry AF showed up 🙁 Hang in there! If there is anything I can do from Florida let me know! 🙂 love ya!!

  10. Visiting from ICLW! Just read your prior post and wish you all the best! I'd find it hard too to live far from an RE and sorry you have to go through all of that. (((hugs)))

  11. Luck, luck and double luck but I'd rather October be the lucky month! xoxo

  12. Thanks for your comment on my blog! I'll be hoping and praying that this is your "lucky" month and that the changes you're making in your meds makes all the difference.Take good care!xxx(ICLW –

  13. Wishing you lots of luck on this next cycle!!ICLW#41

  14. Luck, luck, and more luck!!! I will be praying that this cycle brings you your BFP!!

  15. good for you for taking charge of things. you are your own best advocate and you're in charge.your acupuncturist sounds amazing!xoxo

  16. Returning your ICLW visit. I wish I could do acupuncture but they are so expensive down here. Just an idea – I bought some natural progesterone cream at Wal-mart (it's made for Menopause) and used that after O the cycle I got my BFP. It wasn't very expensive either.

  17. Good for you for being such a strong advocate for yourself! And it sounds as though you have an excellent strategy for this cycle. Having a plan is very motivating! I think this dose will be perfect for you!

  18. I'm so glad they agreed to 150! Hopefully this does the trick. And I have read – not sure how true it may be – that eating an actual pineapple core the day of O will help soften the cervix. Could just be one of those wives tales but I know a few girls who swear it worked. :)Best of luck for you this go around, I'm excited to read more updates!

  19. I'm with Junkers. :)Interweb hugs coming your way!

  20. Josey,Even though Andy thinks it is hokey, I swear by the acupuncture. I really believe it wouldn't have happened for me if I hadn't done it. It did take me two cycles, and since my cycles are nice a long, that was 3 1/2 months, but I really believe it worked. I know how much you want the clomid to be the answer. So give it this last shot, but if it doesn't happen, definitely go with your acupuncturists recommendations.

  21. first off–Love the title of your blog! 2nd–acupuncture is very relaxing. i think it helped me a little bit. last but not least: Good luck!!iclw

  22. thanks for visiting my blog for ICLW! Internet hugs to you. Its nice to find someone who is also new to treatments and figuring out options. Best of luck to you, and a happy anniversary to you, too!

  23. Just read your TTC history, reminds me so much of mine, annov cycles after BCP, cystic ovaries (although my RE said your ovaries get cystic from not ovulating, doesn't necessarily indicate PCOS). Hope the 150mg of Clomid is what you need to get your BFP!

  24. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Glad I made somebody laugh ;). Glad you got the 150 dose. I was only ever on 50mg and I got pissed the last cycle because I only had one good sized follie. My acupuncturist also suggests "royal jelly" you can get it at Whole Foods and it is supposed to help with egg development. i used it for my first clomid/IUI cycle and I had three follies. Good Luck with everything, I will be following along…….

  25. I've just started my first cycle of Clomid and accupuncture as well. I hadn't heard of drinking pomegranate juice, I'll have to try that. In the book I've been reading ("Making Babies") it says to eat pineapple in the 2WW. I'm trying everything that I can! Good luck on your next cycle.ICLW #161

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