Tag Archives: Belly

18 weeks, Heartburn, and Movement

*RockStar is now the size of a sweet potato (5.6″ and 6.7oz). That blows my mind. Am I going to think that every week when I see his/her size?! *I’m starting to feel little pops of movement every couple of days! I’m hoping it’s more distinct and easily noticeable soon. So exciting!!! *I weighed in at […]

17 weeks, and Feeling Reassured

Random pic of our dog, Chief. He’s such a cutie. 🙂  My appointment with the midwife today was so reassuring. Thank you to everyone who encouraged me to just pick up the phone and switch the appointment to this week! It was SO worth it to have peace of mind, especially with this trip to […]

16 Weeks, and Jumping Off the Plank Into Preggo Waters

*Rockstar is the size of an avocado (4.6″ and 3.5oz). An avocado! I like that. I like avocados. 🙂 Also, the kiddo can hear me this week. That is craaaazy to think about. I can’t feel movement yet, but that is definitely something I am looking forward to!*I weighed 165.4# this morning – up 1.4# from […]

15 Weeks, and Totally Exhausted

Phew. I can’t believe how the weeks are just flying along! I’ve been working a ton, and I’m starting to get nervous about how much longer I’m going to be able to maintain doing doubles. Yesterday, for example, I from 10am-4pm I was waitressing on a 3rd story rooftop and running stairs all day (the […]

14 Weeks, and a Slight Breakdown

Dear Little RockStar, This morning I had a total emotional breakdown while freaking out that we might have lost you. Thank God Daddy was there to hold my hand while I cried & hyperventilated. Please don’t ever scare me like that again. Capisci?Love, Momma Yes, I still think u/s pics are kinda creepy and alien-like, but […]

13 Weeks, and Cell Phone Disasters

How far along? 13 weeks!Size of baby? 2.9″ (the size of a peach!) – up 1/2″ from last week, and little RockStar is weighing in at .81 oz.  Total Weight Gain? Ha. 167# – up nearly 4# in the past week, but I’m hoping part of that is from eating too much random food on vacation for the past week. […]

12 Weeks, and Running Around the Country

Hi ladies! So sorry for my lack of posts and comments lately. I forgot how time consuming WORK is. Sheesh. I wish my boss understood my need for blogging time! 🙂 I’ve been busy working at the restaurants and now we’re out of town Wed-Mon. My husband’s cousin is getting married in STL, so it’s […]

11 Weeks, and back to work I go!

First off, Carlia over at The Stork Drop Zone featured me yesterday and awarded me the Humpday Hero Award. Thank you so much to whomever nominated me!! Now, for those of you who aren’t familiar with my work, at this point, I’m sort of a Jack (Jill?) of all trades. I’m a Rea.ltor (something that’s basically impossible to […]

10 weeks, and lots of good news!

I figured I needed a balancing post after the sadness of yesterday, so here we go!*Even though I puked 4x yesterday and had a rough day, so far today I’ve made it to 5pm without a single yak. WHO-HOO!!! I’ve had 23 days in row of all day puking & nausea, and I am so hoping to […]